why should we conserve biodiversity ?

there are many reason .some obvious and others not so obvious , but all equally important . these can be grouped into three categories 

  1. narrowly utilitarian.
  2. broadly utilitarian.
  3. ethical utilitarian.
  • narrowly utilitarian : arguments for conserving biodiversity are obvious. humans derive countless direct economic benefits from nature food ( cereals,pulses, fruits ), firewood , fibre, construction material, industrial products ( tannis, lubricants,dyes,resins,perfumes) and products of medicinal importance. more than 25 percent of the drugs currently sold in market worldwide are derived from plants and 25000 species of plants contribute to the traditional medicine used by native people around the world.
  • the broadly utilitarian : arguments says that biodiversity plays a major role in many ecosystem services that nature provides . pollination is another service .ecosystem provide through pollinators layers bees,bumblebees,birds and bats.
  • the ethical utilitarian : arguments foe conserving biodiversity relates to what we owe to millions of plants , animals and microbes species with whom we share this planet .


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